


Muse - Survival (THE 2ND LAW, 2012런던올림픽 공식 주제곡 4분버전 ) ( 신남, 비장, 격렬, 긴장 )

2012 런던 올림픽 공식 주제가 - Survival ( MUSE )

기존에있는건 오케스트라 같은것도 있어서 따로 이거 올린다 잘써라

(Ah, ah, ah, ah)

Race, life's a race
And I'm gonna win
Yes, I'm gonna win
I'll light the fuse
And I'll never lose
And I choose to survive
(Told you, so I)
Whatever it takes
You won't pull ahead
I'll keep up the pace
And I'll give you my strength
To the whole human race
Yes, I am prepared
(You were warned and didn't listen)
To stay alive
I won't forgive
Vengeance is mine
And I won't give in
Because I choose to thrive
Yeah I'm gonna win

Race (Told you, so I)
It's a race
But I'm gonna win
Yes, I'm gonna win
I will light the fuse
I'll never lose
I choose to survive
(You were warned and didn't listen)
Whatever it takes
You won't pull ahead
Because I'll keep up the pace
And I'll give you my strength
To the whole human race
Yes I'm gonna win

(Fight, fight, fight, fight, win, win, win, win)

Yes I'm gonna win