You said it's all a mess
good to hear you anyway
we're all now overwhelmed with good old perfection
we know the TV sucks
We have much more to learn
You think you are complicated
Don't worry so am i
you ain't the only one
no matter what they say
it only means we just don't fit in
i know it's true Nothing's real
We are always compromised
i know it's true so many lies
We have to learn it all behind
We never thought someone is in the cookies monster
Before we've gotta scatter
아 직접 손으로치고있는데, 엔터 안먹히네????? 장난혀? 으엉엉어엉
Terminate this illusion
i get so frustrated seeing them rig the race
seated back on the couch, grumbling is not the way
We wanna keep it straight
we all need something to trust
wipe the gloss off my face and
you'll see how weird i am
no matter what they say
no need to smile when you cry
i hate it when they try to fake it
i know it's true nothing's real
we are always compromised
i know it's true so many lies
We have to leave it all behind
We never thought someone is in the cookies monster
Before we've gotta scatter
Terminate this illusion
You said it's all the mess
Good to hear you anyway
We're all now oberwhelmed with good old perfection
We know the TVsucks
We have much more to learn
I know it's true Nothing's real
We are always compromised
I know it's true so many lies
We have to leave it all behind
We never thought someone is in the cookies monster
Before we've gotta scatter
Terminate this illusion
사실 영어못한다능... 그래서 배껴썼다능,,, 듣고 쓴거읽어보니깐 틀린부분이 있는것같다능... 올려준사람 고맙다능...