케이트 블란쳇 'Cinderella'(2015) - She is nothing to me
May I ask where you got this?
From a ragged servant girl in my household.
The mystery princess is a commoner.
You could imagine when I discovered her subterfuge how horrified I was.
You told no one else?
Not even my own daughters.
No one need ever know the truth.
You've spared the kingdom a great deal of embarrassment.
And I should like to keep it that way.
Are you threatening me?
So what do you want?
I should like to be a countess.
And I require advantageous marriages for my two daughters.
And the girl?
Do with her what you will.
She's nothing to me.
From a ragged servant girl in my household.
The mystery princess is a commoner.
You could imagine when I discovered her subterfuge how horrified I was.
You told no one else?
Not even my own daughters.
No one need ever know the truth.
You've spared the kingdom a great deal of embarrassment.
And I should like to keep it that way.
Are you threatening me?
So what do you want?
I should like to be a countess.
And I require advantageous marriages for my two daughters.
And the girl?
Do with her what you will.
She's nothing to me.